Xander Neal (Vocals), Will Akiyama (Bass), Eric Glen (Drums), Paul Darrin (Guitar)

The punk rock band that Xander belongs to, and his true passion. They're just starting to get a bit of a buzz in the underground scene, with a few songs with good reception on Bandcamp but not a lot else. They're just starting to actually get gigs lined up, which has kind of forced them to finally stick with one name; they've gone through no fewer than ten names before settling on Ekko Lokation.
They've all known each other since high school, but Will and Paul are a year younger than Eric and Xander, and graduated a year after them.

They have a style best described as the kind of music that makes great background music for moshing and asskicking without losing a sense of melody. They draw inspiration from the harder pop-punk of the late 80s and early 90s-- think more Screeching Weasel than Green Day. Whether they're a pleasant throwback or a bunch of talentless hacks living in the past is up to you to decide.

Eric ever-so-graciously allows them to use his garage for that true garage band aesthetic, as he's the only one with an actual, albeit rented, house.

-They basically consider Desmon to be their mascot, and all of their imagery (mostly done by Paul) heavily incorporates bats.
-They have a disparaging internet comment calling them 'the worst ear-bleeding Jawbreaker wannabes I've ever heard in my life' printed out and framed in Eric's garage.