Snowmon - |
Frostmon - |
Brockmon - |
Melemon < |
Baykomon |
> ??? |
Pronunciation brohk-mon
Level Rookie
Height 3'1" (upright)
Type Beast
Field Nature Spirits
Attribute Virus
Name Origin English. Brock is an archaic name for the badger.
Partner Lily
First Appearance Episode 10
Patient and calm, and often very quiet, Brockmon is mature and reserved. He is stalwart and stolid and does not open up easily, preferring to keep his thoughts to himself until they are needed. He often thinks he knows better than other people, because he views himself as being quite rational and objective-- he isn't always, but he'd sure like to think he is. He usually thinks he's the smartest person in any room he's in, and gets very put out and embarassed if told otherwise.
He absolutely loathes being told what to do, and will often brush off anyone who tries, fixing them with an icy stare and going about his day the way he originally intended to. There is nothing he hates more, though, than liars and those who try to trick or take advantage of others-- he takes it extremely personally, even when it has nothing to do with him.
Icicle Arrows Brockmon's claws freeze over, and he slashes his hand through the air. The ice fires from his claws at his target, taking the form of three sharp icicles.
Cold Snap Brockmon breathes in deeply and expels a bitter-cold stream of air that freezes almost everything in its path. He will often follow this up by rushing forward to hit his foe while they're frozen in place.'
Species Information
Brockmon are well-equipped to handle dark and cold environments. Their eyes almost glow in the dark, and their big claws help them keep their traction on even the iciest ground. They dig deep burrows and, when faced with adversity, will stand their ground to the last.
Pronunciation BAY-koh-mon
Level Ultimate
Height 11'8"
Type Beast Man
Field Nature Spirits
Attribute Virus
Name Origin Ojibwe. In Ojibwe mythology, the baykok is a malevolent spirit, described as an emaciated skeletal figure, that ruthlessly hunts warriors, brutally murders them, and eats its victims' livers.
Partner Lily
First Appearance Episode 28
Baykomon is shrewd and is always coming up with creative ways to use his ice to turn a fight in his favor. He is intensely strong, but he tends to underestimate his own power, leading to him sometimes going a little bit overboard; he tries hard to rein in his own lust for battle, but isn't always successful. Luckily, he snaps back into his right mind in no time whenever an ally (or especially his partner) calls out to him.
Hoarfrost Baykomon's hands swirl with wind and frost, and he slashes through the air, releasing claw-shaped blasts of ice that rush at enemies. These ice-claws are incredibly fragile, and at the slightest touch will explode into razor-sharp shards of ice.
Blizzard Beserker Baykomon covers his entire body in a thick layer of ice, which breaks and re-freezes in the blink of an eye to allow him to move. Protected by the ice, he rushes in swinging wildly to do massive damage.
Species Information
Baykomon is able to move stealthily despite its size; it will often stalk its foes, putting off engaging in battle until the circumstances are just right. Baykomon actually has no arms below the elbow, and instead it rapidly creates and re-freezes its icy prosthetics to manipulate objects and fight.
Pronunciation DROWG-mon
Level Ultimate
Height 25'6"
Type Undead Beast
Field Nightmare Soldiers
Attribute Virus
Name Origin Norse mythology. The draugr were undead whose wills were so strong that their dead bodies reanimated.
Partner Lily
First Appearance Episode 13
Draugmon is feral and ferocious. He is bloodthirsty and actively pursues fights, having no compassion -- or, really, any apparent emotions. He seems to fight on pure instinct, making him very hard to predict, but also easy to manipulate in battle if you're clever about it. He is single-minded in pursuit of whatever singular goal he has in his mind, without regard for what it takes to get it.
Black Ice Draugmon's claws swirl with icy energy as he strikes hard with his claws. He can either attack at melee range, or slash through the air to release crescent-shaped blades of ice.
Hypothermia Draugmon summons numerous icicles that float around his body, which he can then fire -- either in all directions, or they can home in on a particular target.
Dead of Winter Draugmon smashes his claws into the earth, causing cracks to radiate out from the epicenter. From within the cracks, icy, dead hands emerge, and drag anything they can grab a hold of back down from whence they came, where the earth will slam back together, doing massive damage-- but if they can't succeed at dragging them back, the hands still holds enemies still so Draugmon can rush at them.
Species Information
Draugmon's body is dead but remarkably well-preserved and non-decayed, owing to the fact that it emanates a cold so intense that the air around it is always well below zero. It is dangerous for digimon (or humans) without protection to spend too much time near it, even if it doesn't try to kill them.
Pronunciation MEH-leh-mon
Level Champion
Height 8'1"
Type Beast
Field Nature Spirits
Attribute Virus
Name Origin Meles meles is the scientific name for the Eurasian badger. Also a pun on English melee, referring to chaotic, close-quarters combat.
Partner Lily
First Appearance Episode 23
Melemon practically bulldozes his way through fights, able to grit his teeth and shrug off many hits with his thick hide and tenacious personality. He is single-minded in his pursuit of his goals, but generally, he will avoid retaliating until there is no other choice. He is proud of his strength-- actually, he is very proud in general.
Arctic Impact Melemon's claws swirl with snow and ice, and charges at his enemy in a full-body bum rush, smashing into them claws-first. The point his claws impact will freeze over instantly from the sheer cold, and he leaves the ground behind him frozen.
Icicle Shroud A somewhat defensive maneuver, Melemon sprouts razor-sharp icicles from all over his body. He can use these either defensively to dull the impact of a hit or protect himself as he rushes into melee combat, or he can use them more directly offensively by using the fact that dozens of icy blades are now protruding out of his body.
Species Information
Equal parts badger and bear, Melemon is ferocious in battle. With one sweep of its paws it can knock many foes away, and keeps them away with defensive ice maneuvers. It has no real options for fighting from a distance, so it uses its bulk to 'tank' attacks instead of trying to avoid or get away.
Pronunciation frost-mon
Level In-Training
Height 0'11"
Type Lesser
Field Nature Spirits
Attribute Virus
Name Origin English frost.
Partner Lily
Frostmon is making up for all the noise he didn't make as Snowmon. He's loud and confrontational and shares his opinions at all times, and thinks he's always right. He very rarely is, but he doesn't let this discourage him.
Icicles Frostmon makes the icicles on its head grow into sharp spikes, then headbutts an enemy.
Species Information
Frostmon hasn't quite gotten used to its big claws yet, but it likes to dig in snow and dirt and make little burrows for itself. Unsuspecting digimon will step on a Frostmon's burrow and end up with an icicle jamming into their foot.
Pronunciation snow-mon
Level Baby
Height 0'6"
Type Slime
Field None
Attribute None
Name Origin English. Snow.
Partner Lily
Snowmon doesn't talk much-- or at all. He always looks grumpy and keeps his lips shut tight, preferring to observe rather than commentate-- or maybe he just wants people to think that. He's very serious and wants to be taken as such.
Bubbles Snowmon shoots a stream of black bubbles.
Species Information
Snowmon must be kept in cold or at least cool conditions. The icicles on its head are an indicator of its health, and if they start to melt, it can get very sick.