Pronunciation drowg-mon
Level Ultimate
Height 25'6"
Type Undead Beast
Field Nightmare Soldiers
Attribute Virus
Name Origin Norse mythology. The draugr were undead whose wills were so strong that their dead bodies reanimated.
First Appearance Episode 13
Draugmon is feral and ferocious, and will attack anything that draws close to it. It is bloodthirsty, and actively pursues fights, having no compassion or, really, any apparent emotions. It seems to fight on pure instinct, making it very hard to predict-- but this can be used to the advantage of the individuals who are fighting it.
Species Information
Draugmon's body is dead but remarkably well-preserved and non-decayed, owing to the fact that it emanates a cold so intense that the air around it is always well below zero. It is dangerous for digimon (or humans) without protection to spend too much time near it, even if it doesn't try to kill them.